13 September 2015 - 31 August 2016 | Gardone Riviera (BS), Il Vittoriale degli Italiani

● EN Space network is the promoter of the d'Annunzio exhibition and the Pan Gardens ●

As part of the second edition of d'Annunzio and the Giardini di Pan, the exhibition IL TUONO DI PAN TRA ARTE E NATURA will be inaugurated on 13 September: unpublished author installations along the new path of Acqua Savia celebrate the link between d'Annunzio and the East

The initiatives in the residence of the poet continue to celebrate d'Annunzio's deep, bloodthirsty and intimate bond with the East and enhance the poetic and lyrical component of Panism. The exhibition Racconti d'Oriente - in progress inside the secret d'Annunzio Museum - will be accompanied by a collection of 7 interactive installations 'signed' by as many international artists and designers from 13 September: it is the exhibition Il Tuono di Pan tra Arte e Natura, promoted by EN Space network and Il Vittoriale degli Italiani Foundation, curated by Alessandra Coppa, which transforms the new Acqua Savia path into an open-air sensorial museum.

Inspired by the Chinese and Japanese objects from d'Annunzio's collection at the Prioria, now exhibited in the exhibition Racconti d'Oriente, 7 artists and designers have reinterpreted the large acoustic horns, the Ascoltami, designed by the architect Italo Rota on the occasion of the first edition of I Giardini di Pan (2014), still housed in the Vittoriale Park.

The large horns - made by Italcementi with EFFIX a product for design with a high aesthetic content, and enriched by the decorative potential of Gobbetto resins - set in the wonderful setting of the Acqua Savia valley will give life from 13 September to a real own sensory, visual and sound path: the installations will spread d'Annunzio's passages recited in Italian and English, downloadable from the Vittoriale website through a QR code, creating a synaesthesia between works, narrating voice and perception of the new views of the park.

The artists involved have reinterpreted the horns of the architect Italo Rota by referring to the orientalizing signs, dreams and symbols of the poetics and of the life itself of the Vate: hence the expressionism of Dario Ballantini that gives life to intense faces and to the 'violated colors' ', the references to the symbolism of the temple and to the floral painting allusive to the cherry trees by Vincenzo Del Monaco, the glass mosaic DG Mosaic chosen by Setsu & Shinobu Ito to draw a large carp and represent the reflection of water, the fusion of sound and color made by Shuhei Matsuyama, the vivid portrait, with a typically d'Annunzio motto written in Japanese made by Fabrizio Musa, the decoration with ethereal resin butterflies on a reflective surface by Sonja Quarone, recalling d'Annunzio's famous Cheli and the oriental symbologies of the turtle elaborated by Carla Tolomeo